Saturday, December 11, 2010

525,600 min in a year . how do we measure those minutes , or the minutes in a life time ? what is it that makes us who we are ? most people are so busy finding that someone or something to make their life worthwhile .  When you do find that happiness or get married and have kids everything becomes a controlled chaos . We have play dates , grocery shopping , soccer and ballet practice . Not to mention conferences , PTA meeting , board meetings , Dinner obligations , holidays ,family .As im writing this im trying to get my two year old to stop running around naked and put some clothes on . Its all wonderful ,but stressful . Along the road to this happiness that we all search for, most of us loose ourselves . and our happy ever after is more of a happily never after .

dont get me wrong being with someone and having children is wonderful.It is fullfilling and amazing but its also hard . Most of us loose ourselfs along the way . Once you losse yourself and that passion and the fellings you have with new begings thats when the UNhappiness kicks in . By that point most people are too tired and worn out that they would rather startover than fix the situation at hand . Not realizing that what they have has been and could be amazing again .And they problems thay have now will eventually be back again even with the new life .
    I thing we should focus on, not solely on ourselves but on what made things work . We need to get back to what was our passions and what made us happy before all of this . Making time for ourselves and what we enjoy doing . We make so many appointments and obligations that by the time we have a a spare second we are so exhausted that we would rather just veg out and watch TV than live life . Personally myself im a little bit of a perfectionist and want everything perfect and clean . But with three kids and a husband and LIFE in general im too busy trying to pick up everything and get everything done .I loose out on life and whats important and that the stupid dishes can wait and i could be spending time with my kids . We make so many obligations  what about an obligation t ourselves ? what makes YOU feel alive , or happy or that wow feeling ? we need to find it again . We need to start scheduling an appointments with ourselves literally . So every Thursday at 2 Suzie gets to paint , or At 6 on Mondays BOB gets to go to the gym . That's why im blogging . I love to write and be creative . so this is my me time . something i enjoy . what do you enjoy? what makes you feel alive ? Be Amazing ,Be creative have some fun . we only live once . Don't let your happiness fade away because you are so busy finding everyone else happiness . Don't you deserve to feel alive ? I think if we all found a little more happiness the whole world would be a little more happy and a better place because of it ...........

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Begining

I've been trying to get down to the heart of the matter
Beacuse the flesh get weaks and the ashes will scatter
so im thinking about forgivness ,forgivness
even if you  dont love me anymore .

isnt everything about the heart of the matter ? love , loss , happiness . its all about your heart and what matters to you .The heart of the matter .......what matters most in your heart ....... whats your heart of the matter ?